in Red Cliffs, Victoria, Australia

Our Services are Sundays 10:30am

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Ministries are active through the week

Youth & Mens & Women’s & Life Groups & Prayer Groups

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• Fellowship • Study • Prayer

Who We Are

A Local Church Community

A community of believers, involved in a wider community, We are Authentic and Passionate

Bible Based

Christ Centred, People Loving, Life Changing Christian believers, It is the Word of God to us


Join a Community on Fire for God. Recover, discover and develop all you were created to be.

Mission Focused

We are actively spreading the Good News Message, and have Opportunities for involvement with local, inland, and on overseas mission.








A Message From Our Founding Lead Couple

We are blessed and enriched by many generations and ethnic descendants. We passionately seek to be all we can be to the world around us. We are expressive in worship, and our love for the Word is sincere, Our expectation in prayer is that He hears, so we make it available to all. Our community relaxes in friendship over a meal or coffee. We serve our greater community, notably through our Community Services arm, and in many other ways. We also love one another in homes that are open to connect, and learn and personally grow. The future we seek requires faith and perseverance of us, so that our God will be glorified more and more. Red Cliffs is our base and the world is our field.

Ps Bruce Sharman – Senior Leader
Ps Marg Sharman – Wentworth Campus

About Us

Diggerland Church is located in Red Cliffs, Victoria, Australia

A Red Cliffs Church

We’re a Red Cliffs Community Church. Our home is the sunny town of Red Cliffs located in the Sunraysia District of the Loddon Mallee Region, in the North West of Victoria, along Australia’s beautiful Murray River – only 10 minutes drive from Mildura.
Diggerland is a vibrant church community

Vibrant Community

We thrive being a positive influence in our town, region, nation, and the around the globe. Children’s Services, Youth Programs, Young Adults meetings, Men’s Ministry and Women Ministry are active 

Diggerland Church community meets weekly on Sundays

Weekly Meetings

We publicly meet each Sunday, from 10:30 am and 6:00 pm – With Contemporary worship and gifted ministers. These are great times to receive caring prayers, or make a new friend over coffee.



Red Cliffs, Victoria, 3496



10:30 AM Sunday Mornings
6:00 PM Sunday Evenings

Pastoral Team Overview


Ps Bruce Sharman

Ps Bruce Sharman

Senior Leader - Oversight, Development, Missions, Risk.

Pastoral / Kids

Ps Julianne Ullrich

Ps Julianne Ullrich

Deputy Pastor-Care / Women / Risk / KidsClub Interim


Ps Thomas Cameron

Ps Thomas Cameron

Youth / Events / Technical / Risk

What We Do

We serve God by serving our community, and serve our community by serving God. Our focus is on creating a better world by bringing heaven to earth, and a better heaven by bringing earth to heaven. Below are just some of the ways we strive to demonstrate God’s love to His people, to be His hands and feet in our community and throughout the world.

Online Giving

Online Giving

Online Giving

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Donation Total: $5.00

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Online Giving

Convenient online giving via our electronic payment system. Payments made securely through Paypal.



Choose an amount to give, or click ‘Your Offering’ to enter your own amount.



Click ‘Offline Donation’, to see our banking details and setup recurring payments via direct debit.



Find Us

Diggerland Church – Red Cliffs

Diggerland Church

27 Indi Avenue
Red Cliffs VIC 3500
Come and be blessed by our church in Red Cliffs on the Murray!

Diggerland Church


27 Indi Avenue
Red Cliffs VIC 3496
Find us in Red Cliffs, Victoria, in the heart of the Australian Mallee country, along the banks of the Murray River. We’re 18kms from the Mildura municipality, and host members from all over the surrounding Sunraysia district.

Contact Us


+61 3 5024 3542


+61 3 5024 3142


27 Indi Avenue
Red Cliffs VIC 3496

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